For better or for worse, I've decided to start uploading and making public my WWS reports. Given my limited raiding experience, I'm hoping to use them to see how I could improve.
First item of business: use more Shadow Word: Death. I know, I know. It's hard, healing my way through to 70, then switching to Shadow and expecting healers to keep up with me as I periodically hit myself upside the head. Especially on fights where we're not sure if the healers are going to go /oom before the end.
Yeah, I get that more DPS == more mana for healers, but I'd need to see some pretty definitive numbers showing that there wasn't a net loss in mana due to extra healing before I'd be okay with it. For fights like Lurker where I am guaranteed to not get aggro, sure, maybe. But other new stuff? I'll need to work up the courage, first.
South African On-line Casinos
2 years ago
Your average SW:D damage on your successful tidewalker kill: 1968
VT Returns 5% of that as mana, so assuming your entire party is mana users (seems likely in a raid) = 1968 * 0.05 * 5 = 492 mana returned
Cost of a max-rank renew with mental agility: 405 mana
Amount healed by a max rank renew with full imp renew + spiritual healing and 2000 +heal = (1110 + 2000) * 1.15 * 1.1 = 3934.15
One renew for every two SW:Ds, sounds pretty efficient to me?
Hmm. Wow. That's exactly what I needed to hear.
Thanks. Seriously.
Another way to look at it:
2k damage every 12 seconds is about 167 damage per second. VE heals for 15-25% of your damage done. In order to heal yourself with VE you'll need to be doing from (100/15)*167=1113 to (100/25)*167=668 dps. This doesn't take into account you'll be healing all the other people in your group also.
So, in case you have a point or two in imp. VE you should be able to solo-heal yourself through VE easily.
Yeah, on fights where I can use VE without worry of overtaking the tank on threat, I definitely feel more comfortable using SWD. Unfortunately, I outgear most of the groups that I run with, and can easily overtake them in threat without trying. I look forward to fights where I can put up VE and not worry about it, but I'm not quite there yet. Even on the OP Kara run that we did last night, I still stayed right below the MT on Omen for many of the fights, most of the time without VE up.
I can't wait for Wrath where Shadowform has built-in threat reduction.
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